Our Team

 Mt. Moriah Church is led by a dedicated team of people – both employed and volunteer – who enjoy nothing more than expressing love for God and service with people.

Pastor Beth Anne Crego


My call to ministry is a winding road. I am a missionary at heart and love a good adventure. My first call was to be a nurse, which I was for 20 years. I answered my missionary call to ministry while in college. I went on two short-term medical missions to Nicaragua. I answered the call to be a long-term missionary in 2005 when I went to Edinburgh, Scotland, to help start a church. I worked in evangelism, outreach, and Bible study groups for the church while also working as a critical care nurse. I thought that moving to Edinburgh was the adventure. God had other plans. I met my husband John while I was in Scotland. John works for P&G and was living in Geneva, Switzerland, at the time.

John and I moved to Cincinnati in 2007 and started attending Loveland United Methodist Church. We became very involved in various ministries there, and it was at Loveland UMC that I answered God's call to full-time ordained ministry. Also, during this time, John and I became parents, and you will soon meet our sons Jack (14) and Joshua (11).

I graduated in May 2013 from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. While I was in seminary, I worked as a volunteer chaplain at Bethesda North Hospital and was a lay leader for Loveland UMC. My first appointment was to Brecon United Methodist Church in October 2012 as the student associate pastor. My next appointment was to North Bend UMC. While at North Bend UMC, I was fully ordained and along with the church received the West Ohio United Methodist Rural Advocates “William Murray Town and Rural Vital Church Award” for the Ohio River Valley District. My most recent appointment has been at Westwood UMC as the Executive Pastor. While there we created “Cincinnati’s Longest Ice Cream Sundae” as a part of a missional outreach to the community of Westwood. As you can see, I love a good adventure.

I am looking forward to our time together as your interim pastor. My prayer is that our season of ministry together offers many new opportunities for building and rebuilding relationships as well as growing in faith, mission, and hope for Christ’s holy Church. Together, we are called to make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the purpose of transforming the world, one life at a time.

Serving Jesus with you,


Pastor Beth Anne Crego

  • Doug Heflin

    Director of Creative Arts Ministries

    Doug Heflin spent 30 years directing music programs in public schools in Ohio. He has also been part of the Mt. Moriah Worship team for more than 30 years. Doug’s musical talents and creativity are integral to the worship experience at Mt. Moriah Church. He has written and produced many original musical dramas, regularly composes new pieces, and directs the musical ensembles of the church, including the choir, praise team and brass quintet.

    Besides music, Doug’s greatest passion is collecting sports memorabilia and remembering all things trivia-related. He has three grown children and five grandchildren.

  • Charlotte Bailey

    Office Administrator

    ~~In Loving Memory~~

    Charlotte first came to Mt. Moriah as an Ark of Learning teacher, and then transitioned to running the church office and has never left! In addition to answering calls and handling visitors and guests, Charlotte takes care of communications, worship preparation, administrative processes and our in-house food pantry. She also leads the “Hands of Praise” ministry, which does expressive signing to songs for worship and other events.

  • Tracey Hochberg

    Tracey Hochberg

    Family Ministries Director

    Tracey joined Mt. Moriah in July 2022 as both the Family Ministries Director and one of the teachers in the Ark of Learning. She has been an early childhood educator for the last 20 years. Tracey has exciting ideas for bringing children, youth and their families into a deeper faith relationship and experience with Jesus Christ.

    Tracey is married with grown children. She enjoys spending time in the great outdoors when she’s not spending time in the great indoors with the church!

  • Lauren Spaid

    Lauren Spaid

    Ark of Learning Director

    Lauren came to Mt. Moriah and the Ark of Learning in August 2022. She’s been in the field of early childhood education for 12 years. The Ark of Learning provides childcare for infants through school-agers. Lauren has an associate’s degree in early childhood education administration. She is dedicated to supporting families and helping children learn and grow.

    Lauren is married and has two children and they live in Cincinnati, OH. Her favorite color is yellow; favorite season is the fall; and “ I love Disney!”