Family Ministries
In Matthew chapter 19, verse 14, Jesus said:
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
At Mt. Moriah Church, this is a serious and intentional undertaking – to welcome children of every age, along with their families, into age-appropriate experiences of faith and growth.
Sunday Morning Experiences
In the morning worship services, young children are invited to be part of the worshiping community. The church will provide personalized “worship activity bags” upon request containing coloring books, activity pages and other materials that children can use during the service.
The pastor has a special time just for engaging with the children in “Kids’ Moments” where Bible stories and faith lessons are brought to them in engaging and sometimes silly ways – even the adults enjoy this time in worship!
9:00am Faith Formation – Mt. Moriah provides opportunities for children and youth to grow in their understanding of what it means to know Jesus and live for him. Classes are available in the Learning Center building for the following age groups:
Pre-kindergarten – 1st grade
2nd – 5th grade
6th – 8th grade
9th – 12th grade
Youth Fellowship
Youth in the 6th through 12th grade have periodic gatherings to have fun and develop their understandings of Jesus, to serve others in the community, and discern their opportunities in the world prior to heading off to college. Check the Mt. Moriah events page for what is happening next.
Appalachia Service Project
Every summer, high school students prepare for a week-long mission in partnership with the Appalachia Service Project (aka ASP). During the school year, students participate in various fund-raising and team-building events. Then they travel to a service location – usually towards the end of June – where they help build or repair structures for those in need. Learning how to serve others in Jesus’ name builds lifelong memories and incredible personal growth and development.
Wesley Chapel Mission Center
Both middle school and high school students participate in missions work with the Wesley Chapel Mission Center, located in the Over-the-Rhine section of Cincinnati. It provides after-school care and summer enrichment programs for children in the OTR neighborhood, a mixed-area of intense poverty and gentrification. Youth from Mt. Moriah help with both cleaning/refurbishing type activities and engagement with the children. This mission activity exposes everyone to different economic realities and develops empathy.
Ark of Learning Preschool and Childcare Center
Operating since 1964, generations of children have been nurtured through this ministry of Mt. Moriah. For details, please visit the Ark page on our website.
Online Activities
Sign-up to receive the Family Ministries Newsletter and stay informed of events and activities. Receive at-home resources that can be used to reinforce the learnings from church.
Enjoy the various videos for families produced by Mt Moriah on our YouTube channel.