Sharing Faith & Changing Lives
Where neighbors gather.
In a time where many of us don’t even know our next-door neighbors, Mt. Moriah offers a place to discover and experience true neighborliness – even though we have folks coming from miles away. Why? Because the Holy Spirit draws us together.
Becoming a Christian is not a solo act – it’s joining a whole community! The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, described following Jesus as an unquestionably social experience. He referred to it as “Christian conferencing” and claimed it was a means of grace – meaning that where two or more are gathered, Jesus is always with them (see Matthew 18:20).
Find your connection.
Young, single, married, with or without kids, and seniors. Empty nesters. Widowed or divorced. It doesn’t matter what life stage you’re in, there is a place for you at Mt. Moriah.
Discover a passion for helping others through our missions. Grow friendships and faith through Faith Circles or other small groups for adults and youth/children. If you love music and arts, we’ve a place for you, too.
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We’re glad you found us! We want to help you connect as easily as possible with our church and hope your next step will be to visit our campus soon. At Mt. Moriah, you will experience a church where the presence of Christ is both present and made real. We invite you to join us for worship Sunday mornings.